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Anchor 1
Designed for Dynamics SL
Easy to install
Shared Excel add-in
One SQL script
Easy to learn and use
Leverage your knowledge of Excel
Use Excel shortcuts to create financial reports in minutes
Modular Security model
Allows blocking transaction detail by the combination of user, company, and module
Uses Dynamics SL Access Rights control
Compartmental Security model
Prevents users from seeing any data they shouldn't
Use masks and/or lists to allow viewing balances and transactions by combinations of company, ledger, account, and subaccount.
Maintained using an Excel worksheet (copy/paste, search/replace, etc.)
Shared workbooks will have different information depending on who opens them
No need to schedule, generate, or distribute internal financial reports
Adds custom functions to Excel
and many more!
Balance functions (PTDBAL, YTDBAL) include sophisticated options
View only credits or debits
Include unposted transactions, even in future periods
Use Consol account and/or subaccount
Insert from SL form for easily importing entities like company ID, ledger ID, and subaccounts
Create drop down lists
Subaccount drop down list can be by segment(s)
Drop lists of entities into your Excel worksheeet
List of all accounts
Can create range (cell) names for entities
insert descriptions -- uses XLstatements functions like ACCTDESC(CpnyID,Acct)
Summarize by using masks, ranges, and/or lists
Companies in the same database
E.g., CpnyID can be "00??", Acct can be "101?;1030:1080;-1055", Sub can be "*"
Companies from different databases may be used in the same formula by using multiple functions, e.g., =PTDBAL("0060","10??","*",2016,10)+PTDBAL("0010","101??","*",2016,6)
Powerful Drill Down
Double-click on a PTDBAL cell to drill down
First level expands from any summary, e.g., accounts, subaccounts, periods
Second level shows transaction detail in the GL for an account/subaccount/period
Third level shows the entire batch of transactions in the subsidiary ledger
Saves hours when auditing
Can be blocked by using Modular Security
Includes Inter-company transactions
Fourth level available to show attachments
All levels are filtered by Compartmental Security
Drill down options
See entity ID and name (e.g., AP Vendor) at GL detail level (when posting in detail)
Notes on Batch, entity, document, and detail from Dynamics SL are Excel comments
Show transaction type descriptions
and more!
Add columns to drill down detail sheets
User fields
Any other columns from any screen level
Configurable for all users or specific users
Multiple Security Models
Modular Security model
Allows blocking transaction detail by the combination of user, company, and module
Uses Dynamics SL Access Rights control
Compartmental Security model
Prevents users from seeing any data they shouldn't
Use masks and/or lists to allow viewing balances and transactions by combinations of company, ledger, account, and subaccount.
Maintained using an Excel worksheet (copy/paste, search/replace, etc.)
Shared workbooks will have different information depending on who opens them
No need to schedule, generate, or distribute internal financial reports
"Distribute-less" Reporting
No need to schedule, generate, or distribute internal financial reports
Self-service reporting for internal management reports
Shared Excel reports will have different information depending on who opens them
Report users (e.g., department managers) can drill down to details of only their own transactions
Report users can view past (and even future) balances and transaction detail
Structured Reporting
Auto-generate reports by subaccount
Department reports - as workbooks or worksheets in the same workbook
Reports can be static (just numbers) or XLstatements workbooks
Can also create PDF files or send to printer
Budgeting option ($995)
Create budgets easily from "guide" basis data
Flexible formats - no predefined worksheet format is required
Maintain budgets by using themselves as bases
Supports multi-level budgeting
Any combination of subaccount segments
Project Option ($1295) - coming soon
New functions
JTDBAL(CpnyID,ProjectID,TaskID,AcctCategory, etc.)
and more
Drill down to Project batch detail
Anchor 2
Anchor 3
Anchor 4
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